Organizations use various types of information systems to run their daily operations. These information systems range from low-level transactional systems to high-level decision-making systems. All these systems must be tightly integrated so that organizations can meet their strategic goals. Enterprise Systems Integration is a concept or a practice that combines processes from departments of systems engineering, systems management, and product development to develop large-scale systems. Integrating applications enables the easy share of data between systems, more streamlined IT processes, and an increase in agility.

However, integrating enterprise systems is challenging, due to varying degrees of support for integration, a huge range of integration technologies, the complexity of translating between different system data structures and business processes, and ensuring integrated system reliability and performance is acceptable.

Three examples of enterprise systems are :

  1. Customer relationship management (CRM) – It optimizes the customer experience and improves marketing efficiency.
  2. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) – It integrates varied organizational systems and facilitates error-free transactions and production thereby enhancing the organization's efficiency.
  3. Supply chain management (SCM) – It refers to the management of supply chain activities in an effective and efficient way.

All these examples of enterprise systems can provide a company with a strategic advantage. Enterprise systems integrate a number of different applications, protocols, and formats thereby allowing companies to integrate business processes such as sales, production, distribution, and accounts by sharing information across business functions and employee hierarchies.

Need for Enterprise System Integration

Enterprise system integration is the solution to the problem created by the development of the islands of automation over the past twenty years. For generations, we have been building systems that serve a single purpose and a single set of users. These systems were custom-built using the technologies of the day many of which were proprietary and may have used non-standard data storage and applications and application development technologies. Applications still hold a great deal of value, even though technologies are old.

The need for enterprise integration is being driven by the changing needs of businesses. The business cycles are rapidly shrinking getting faster and faster and the way businesses were conducted even a decade ago is no longer relevant if a business intends to remain competitive in today's environment. The changes include how the business interacts with customers and how it manufactures goods and how it is organized and managed. Enterprise system integration is required by businesses for the following reasons:

  • Bring more success and maximum value.
  • Improved real-time visibility.
  • Cost saving
  • Improved productivity

Benefits of Enterprise System Integration

Enterprise System Integration includes the integration of web-based services, architecture, content, and business processes. It can be stated that this uses middleware technologies to act as bridges in the exchange of information between every enterprise system. There are several benefits to integrating enterprise systems and other applications. The highlights among them are:

Streamlined Management and Sharing of Data

Integrating data of all systems and processes in one place enables maximum interoperability between the several departments of an organization. The entire network of connections including technical data, promotional strategies, employee information, adherence to government policies, and more can be managed as well as controlled by a single authority.

Automation of Work

Business Process Integration automates business processes, integrates systems and services as well as shares data securely across numerous applications. It also helps automate management, operational, and supporting processes. An example of system integration for businesses in Florida is the development of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) application. The entire processes of marketing, promotion, sales, and after-sale feedback can be managed using a single application.

Increased Efficiency

Easier communication between departments, good coordination, and streamlined management of all processes in a company will result in higher efficiency. This is possible with system integrations that enable a business to identify challenges, devise strategies to resolve them, and seek new opportunities for growth, in the shortest period. Adopting enterprise integration can generate several benefits for companies in industries such as Logistics, Banking, Retail, Government Departments, and more.

Easy Access to Data

System Integration ensures higher visibility and accessibility of all information required by an enterprise irrespective of its size or the date it was formulated. It removes the necessity of investing time and resources in locating data stored on multiple systems, streamlining them, and extracting such data to an organized format. Everything and anything can be accessed with a single click.

Removes Mismatches & Duplication of Data

The data entered in one system may be slightly different from the data entered in another. Recording employee attendance is one of several such instances. For example, an employee may record time-of-entry at the beginning of office hours while the time recorded by the management may differ by a few minutes. A single integrated system can remove any such mismatch. Moreover, duplication can also be avoided when two different employees or two different teams in an enterprise develop the same content.

SGS Technologie is an experienced software development firm headquartered in Jacksonville and providing system integration services to clients from Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Miami, and the rest of Florida, Texas, and Georgia.


<!-- JSON-LD markup generated by Google Structured Data Markup Helper. --> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context" : "", "@type" : "Article", "name" : "All You Need to Know about Enterprise System Integration", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "sgs" }, "image" : "", "articleSection" : "As a reminder at first, Enterprise Systems Integration is a concept or practice that combines processes from departments of systems engineering, systems management and product development to develop large scale systems. That is, an enterprise, agency or business in the United States may have several systems, files and resources with data of regular processes. System Integration is the combination of all these data and processes in a single large scale as well as complex system. Such a system may feature hardware/software and could be based on existing or legacy systems. Integrating applications enables the easy share of data between systems, more streamlined IT processes and an increase in agility", "articleBody" : "Enterprise System Integration includes integration of web-based services, architecture, content, and business processes. It can be stated that this use middleware technologies to act as bridges in the exchange of information between every enterprise system. There are several benefits to integrating enterprise systems and other applications. The highlights among them are:</P>\n\n<P><STRONG>Streamlined Management and Sharing of Data:</STRONG></P>\n\n<P>Integrating data of all systems and processes in one place enables maximum interoperability between the several departments of an organization. The entire network of connections including technical data, promotional strategies, employee information, adherence to government policies, and more can be managed as well as controlled by a single authority.</P>\n\n<P><STRONG>Automation of Work</STRONG></P>\n\n<P>Business Process Integration automates business processes, integrates systems and services as well as shares data securely across numerous applications. It also helps automate management, operational and supporting processes. An example of system integration for businesses in Florida is the development of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) application. The entire processes of marketing, promotion, sales, and after-sale feedback can be managed using a single application.</P>\n\n<P><STRONG>Increased Efficiency</STRONG></P>\n\n<P>Easier communication between departments, good coordination and streamlined management of all processes in a company will definitely result in higher efficiency. This is possible with system integrations which enable a business to identify challenges, devise strategies to resolve them and seek new opportunities of growth; in the shortest period of time. Adopting enterprise integration can generate several benefits to companies in industries such as Logistics, Banking, Retail, Government Departments, and more.</P>\n\n<P><STRONG>Easy Access to Data</STRONG></P>\n\n<P>System Integration ensures higher visibility and accessibility of all information required by an enterprise irrespective of its size or the date it was formulated. It removes the necessity of investing time and resources on locating data stored on multiple systems, streamlining them and extracting such data to an organized format. Everything and anything can be accessed with a single click.</P>\n\n<P><STRONG>Removes Mismatches &amp; Duplication of Data</STRONG></P>\n\n<P>The data entered in a system may be slightly different from the data entered in another. Recording employee attendance is one of the several such instances. For example, en employee may record time-of-entry at the beginning of office-hours while the time recorded by the management may differ by a few minutes. A single integrated system can remove any such mismatch. Moreover, duplication can also be avoided in which two different employees or two different teams in an enterprise develop the same content.</P>\n\n<P>SGS Technologie is an experienced software development firm headquartered in Jacksonville and providing system integration services to clients from Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Miami, and the rest of Florida in addition to Texas as well as Georgia.</P>\n\n<P>Inputs for this blog was sourced from the research files of <A href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><B>", "url" : "", "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "SGS Technologies" } } </script>

All You Need to Know about Enterprise System Integration


Organizations use various types of information systems to run their daily operations. These information systems range from low-level transactional systems to high-level decision-making systems. All these systems must be tightly integrated so that organizations can meet their strategic goals. Enterprise Systems Integration is a concept or a practice that combines processes from departments of systems engineering, systems management, and product development to develop large-scale systems. Integrating applications enables the easy share of data between systems, more streamlined IT processes, and an increase in agility.

However, integrating enterprise systems is challenging, due to varying degrees of support for integration, a huge range of integration technologies, the complexity of translating between different system data structures and business processes, and ensuring integrated system reliability and performance is acceptable.

Three examples of enterprise systems are :

  1. Customer relationship management (CRM) – It optimizes the customer experience and improves marketing efficiency.
  2. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) – It integrates varied organizational systems and facilitates error-free transactions and production thereby enhancing the organization's efficiency.
  3. Supply chain management (SCM) – It refers to the management of supply chain activities in an effective and efficient way.

All these examples of enterprise systems can provide a company with a strategic advantage. Enterprise systems integrate a number of different applications, protocols, and formats thereby allowing companies to integrate business processes such as sales, production, distribution, and accounts by sharing information across business functions and employee hierarchies.

Need for Enterprise System Integration

Enterprise system integration is the solution to the problem created by the development of the islands of automation over the past twenty years. For generations, we have been building systems that serve a single purpose and a single set of users. These systems were custom-built using the technologies of the day many of which were proprietary and may have used non-standard data storage and applications and application development technologies. Applications still hold a great deal of value, even though technologies are old.

The need for enterprise integration is being driven by the changing needs of businesses. The business cycles are rapidly shrinking getting faster and faster and the way businesses were conducted even a decade ago is no longer relevant if a business intends to remain competitive in today's environment. The changes include how the business interacts with customers and how it manufactures goods and how it is organized and managed. Enterprise system integration is required by businesses for the following reasons:

  • Bring more success and maximum value.
  • Improved real-time visibility.
  • Cost saving
  • Improved productivity

Benefits of Enterprise System Integration

Enterprise System Integration includes the integration of web-based services, architecture, content, and business processes. It can be stated that this uses middleware technologies to act as bridges in the exchange of information between every enterprise system. There are several benefits to integrating enterprise systems and other applications. The highlights among them are:

Streamlined Management and Sharing of Data

Integrating data of all systems and processes in one place enables maximum interoperability between the several departments of an organization. The entire network of connections including technical data, promotional strategies, employee information, adherence to government policies, and more can be managed as well as controlled by a single authority.

Automation of Work

Business Process Integration automates business processes, integrates systems and services as well as shares data securely across numerous applications. It also helps automate management, operational, and supporting processes. An example of system integration for businesses in Florida is the development of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) application. The entire processes of marketing, promotion, sales, and after-sale feedback can be managed using a single application.

Increased Efficiency

Easier communication between departments, good coordination, and streamlined management of all processes in a company will result in higher efficiency. This is possible with system integrations that enable a business to identify challenges, devise strategies to resolve them, and seek new opportunities for growth, in the shortest period. Adopting enterprise integration can generate several benefits for companies in industries such as Logistics, Banking, Retail, Government Departments, and more.

Easy Access to Data

System Integration ensures higher visibility and accessibility of all information required by an enterprise irrespective of its size or the date it was formulated. It removes the necessity of investing time and resources in locating data stored on multiple systems, streamlining them, and extracting such data to an organized format. Everything and anything can be accessed with a single click.

Removes Mismatches & Duplication of Data

The data entered in one system may be slightly different from the data entered in another. Recording employee attendance is one of several such instances. For example, an employee may record time-of-entry at the beginning of office hours while the time recorded by the management may differ by a few minutes. A single integrated system can remove any such mismatch. Moreover, duplication can also be avoided when two different employees or two different teams in an enterprise develop the same content.

SGS Technologie is an experienced software development firm headquartered in Jacksonville and providing system integration services to clients from Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Miami, and the rest of Florida, Texas, and Georgia.


Category : Software Development