AngularJS is an open source framework that can be used to develop a dynamic web application. It is entirely based on HTML and Javascript, hence undoing the necessity to learn a new syntax or programming language. The core aspect of AngularJS is that it changes static HTML into dynamic HTML. This is very much necessary in ensuring the subject website or web application is responsive to devices of all screen sizes and resolutions. Moreover, AngularJS enables developers to advance HTML functionality by creating new constructs with use of its directives. That is, it extends the ability of HTML by adding built-in attributes as well as components and also provides an ability to create custom attributes using simple JavaScript.
In more precise terms, here are particular reasons on why AngularJS should be chosen for Web Development:
Developed by Google: The Angular framework is developed and maintained by Google engineers. Hence, good community support is provided and assistance can be received from highly skilled Angular experts.
Model View Controller (MVC Framework): This is a design pattern that is specifically used for developing web applications. A MVC pattern or framework features three parts; Model, View and Controller. In this, the Model is responsible for maintaining data, View is responsible for displaying a portion of the data and the Controller is the software code which controls the interactions between the model and the view. AngularJS framework strings the entire process automatically. This characteristic needs to be compared with other frameworks in which the application has to be split into multiple LVC components. Hence AngularJS saves time and enables quicker launch of the application in the web.
High Performance: Other core advantages of the AngularJS framework are that it is easy-to-use and requires simple maintenance. Angular JS also enables the efficient addition of new features to web application as it is institutive and quick. The presence of powerful features such as Directives, Data Binding, Animations, Content Sanitization, API Client, Routing, and Form Validation ensures easy maintenance along with fast web applications. In addition, Angular JS is unit testing ready.
Lesser Coding: A declarative coding style is used in AngularJS which makes the codes more lightweight as well as easier to read and support. Moreover, the usage of HTML especially to build interfaces makes the web application development process simpler. This also ensures that the interface is organized, smooth and structured.
Two-Way Binding: Data binding refers to the automatic synchronization of data between the view and the model in MVC architecture. The view indicates the HTML and the model indicates the JavaScript variables. AngularJS framework enables the development of a template which binds different components with different models. Hence, each time the input text value changes, the bound model will also be modified and updated. The two-way data binding characteristics of Angular JS implements a cleaner User interface with an improved appeal.
SGS’ Association with Angular JS
SGS Technologie has developed multiple web applications for a large group of clientele; consisting primarily of government agencies and departments across Florida in the United States. In addition, we have also provided services to several established private clients and professional organizations across the region. SGS has a team of experienced AngularJS developers with expertise in the framework’s most advanced versions. The types of web applications we develop with Angular JS include,
- Video Streaming applications
- Travel & Transport booking applications
- E-Commerce Portals
- Social Media Applications
- Enterprise Portals
Do you require developing any such web application or a web portal that handles a massive exchange of data? Then visit any of our offices or drop us a mail at info@sgstechnologies.net . SGS will be excited to discuss the best probable solution for your firm’s requirements.
Why choose AngularJS for Web Development?
AngularJS is an open source framework that can be used to develop a dynamic web application. It is entirely based on HTML and Javascript, hence undoing the necessity to learn a new syntax or programming language. The core aspect of AngularJS is that it changes static HTML into dynamic HTML. This is very much necessary in ensuring the subject website or web application is responsive to devices of all screen sizes and resolutions. Moreover, AngularJS enables developers to advance HTML functionality by creating new constructs with use of its directives. That is, it extends the ability of HTML by adding built-in attributes as well as components and also provides an ability to create custom attributes using simple JavaScript.
In more precise terms, here are particular reasons on why AngularJS should be chosen for Web Development:
Developed by Google: The Angular framework is developed and maintained by Google engineers. Hence, good community support is provided and assistance can be received from highly skilled Angular experts.
Model View Controller (MVC Framework): This is a design pattern that is specifically used for developing web applications. A MVC pattern or framework features three parts; Model, View and Controller. In this, the Model is responsible for maintaining data, View is responsible for displaying a portion of the data and the Controller is the software code which controls the interactions between the model and the view. AngularJS framework strings the entire process automatically. This characteristic needs to be compared with other frameworks in which the application has to be split into multiple LVC components. Hence AngularJS saves time and enables quicker launch of the application in the web.
High Performance: Other core advantages of the AngularJS framework are that it is easy-to-use and requires simple maintenance. Angular JS also enables the efficient addition of new features to web application as it is institutive and quick. The presence of powerful features such as Directives, Data Binding, Animations, Content Sanitization, API Client, Routing, and Form Validation ensures easy maintenance along with fast web applications. In addition, Angular JS is unit testing ready.
Lesser Coding: A declarative coding style is used in AngularJS which makes the codes more lightweight as well as easier to read and support. Moreover, the usage of HTML especially to build interfaces makes the web application development process simpler. This also ensures that the interface is organized, smooth and structured.
Two-Way Binding: Data binding refers to the automatic synchronization of data between the view and the model in MVC architecture. The view indicates the HTML and the model indicates the JavaScript variables. AngularJS framework enables the development of a template which binds different components with different models. Hence, each time the input text value changes, the bound model will also be modified and updated. The two-way data binding characteristics of Angular JS implements a cleaner User interface with an improved appeal.
SGS Association with Angular JS
SGS Technologie has developed multiple web applications for a large group of clientele; consisting primarily of government agencies and departments across Florida in the United States. In addition, we have also provided services to several established private clients and professional organizations across the region. SGS has a team of experienced AngularJS developers with expertise in the frameworks most advanced versions. The types of web applications we develop with Angular JS include,
- Video Streaming applications
- Travel & Transport booking applications
- E-Commerce Portals
- Social Media Applications
- Enterprise Portals
Do you require developing any such web application or a web portal that handles a massive exchange of data? Then visit any of our offices or drop us a mail at info@sgstechnologies.net . SGS will be excited to discuss the best probable solution for your firms requirements.
Category : Web Development