Advantage of Machine Learning & AI for Software Development

Technology and specifically software development is progressing at unimaginable speeds and automation has become a crucial element of this. That is, repetitive tasks which are at present manually performed can be handed over to a system or software application.  This will maintain accuracy of time, volume and quality. Technology is getting more advanced every day and it will be futile to ignore the benefits that Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence can give to software development.


Advantages of AI & Machine Learning in Software Development

Artificial Intelligence

Software is the root of any technological advancement in today’s world. It is a set of instructions that tells a system (computer/mobile/android) or a cloud application how to work. The field is vast and has witnessed several innovations in the field of web applications, mobile applications, IoT development, along with cloud computing, among others. Nevertheless, a hidden aspect is the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with every element of technology.


Machine Learning; what it means for you?


Machine Learning is actually a data analytics technique.  It consists of algorithms that use computational methods to “learn” information directly from data without relying on a predetermined equation as a model.  It is also a concept which allows the machine to learn from examples and experience, and that too without being explicitly programmed. 


Impact of Machine Learning on Software Development


It has been ascertained that Artificial Intelligence is increasingly being deployed as a key component of modern software systems. Facial recognition cameras, automated customer support, smart email categorization, and business forecasting are just a few of them. This is just the beginning and there is still long distance to cover. However, Artificial Intelligence wouldn’t have been possible without Machine Learning. These are two different concepts that are related to each other.


How will Machine Learning improve Mobile Applications?


Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence that enables computers and software versions to learn as well as predict outcomes automatically without human interference. But its usage while developing mobile applications hasn’t been explored much until now. The immense popularity of mobile devices needs to be considered at first. There still are many aspects of a mobile or a handheld device such as androids and tablets that users are not familiar with. What if Machine Learning can help improve the user experience as well as the responsiveness of users to mobile applications?
