Customer Experience – What you need to know?

SGS Technologie

In addition to these, there are six laws of Customer Experience just like the laws of Physics.

Customer Experience (CX) is the product of an interaction between an organization and a customer over the duration of their relationship. A good customer experience

means that the individual’s experience during all points of contact matches with the individual’s expectations throughout the customer’s and the organization’s journe


Rise of Chatbots

SGS Technologie

Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots are getting more involved in our daily lives than what is acknowledged. Facebook along with Standford University researchers have developed Woebot that offers interactive cognitive behavioral therapy. The campaign was led by Andrew Neg; a prominent figure who previously led efforts to develop and apply the latest AI technologies at Google.


Celebrate Thanksgiving Day with SGS!

SGS Technologie

We at SGS are celebrating today! It has been over 14 years since our beginning and SGS Technologie LLC has a lot of clients to thank for its tremendous success. Hence, which other day is best suited for it than the nationally celebrated Thanksgiving Day?


Big Data

SGS Technologie

What is big data? How is it used? What does it mean for business and for the consumer? How will it change the world??


What is big about Big Data?

The internet is the largest library of information. Every single data of life as well as man-made objects is available online. This could be very useful for your business as a lot of histories, purchasing habits as well as interests will be included in this data. But gathering and analyzing information from this consortium of information will not be as easy as seeking answers on a search engine. This is why you need the services of a Big Data Analytics Company.

Definition of Big Data


Why Big Data Analytics for your business?

SGS Technologie

Data is everywhere. Each incident, conversation or transaction can be regarded as data. It is just virtually anything that happens in the world.  Big Data refers to the process of collecting such data and storing it in a single archive or infrastructure.  It can be large datasets or even strategies and technologies that are used to handle such large data sets. Yet such massive amounts of data can be of value, only if they are analyzed and if insights are generated from them. This is the general meaning of big data analytics.
